
Chemical and toxicological characterization of residential oil burner emissions: I. Yields and chemical characterization of extractables from combustion of No. 2 fuel oil at different Bacharach Smoke Numbers and firing cycles.

Particulates and complex organic mixtures were sampled from the exhaust of a flame retention head residential oil burner combusting No. 2 fuel oil at three firing conditions: continuous at Bacharach Smoke No. 1, and cyclic (5 min on, 10 min off) at Smoke Nos. 1 and 5. The complex mixtures were recov...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Leary, J A, Biemann, K, Lafleur, A L, Kruzel, E L, Prado, G P, Longwell, J P, Peters, W A
Formato: Texto
Publicado: 1987
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