
Effects of disrupting the polyketide synthase gene WdPKS1 in Wangiella [Exophiala] dermatitidis on melanin production and resistance to killing by antifungal compounds, enzymatic degradation, and extremes in temperature

BACKGROUND: Wangiella dermatitidis is a human pathogenic fungus that is an etiologic agent of phaeohyphomycosis. W. dermatitidis produces a black pigment that has been identified as a dihydroxynaphthalene melanin and the production of this pigment is associated with its virulence. Cell wall pigmenta...

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Autores principales: Paolo, William F, Dadachova, Ekaterina, Mandal, Piyali, Casadevall, Arturo, Szaniszlo, Paul J, Nosanchuk, Joshua D
Formato: Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2006
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