
Alefacept (anti-CD2) causes a selective reduction in circulating effector memory T cells (Tem) and relative preservation of central memory T cells (Tcm) in psoriasis

BACKGROUND: Alefacept (anti-CD2) biological therapy selectively targets effector memory T cells (Tem) in psoriasis vulgaris, a model Type 1 autoimmune disease. METHODS: Circulating leukocytes were phenotyped in patients receiving alefacept for moderate to severe psoriasis. RESULTS: In all patients,...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Chamian, Francesca, Lin, Shao-Lee, Lee, Edmund, Kikuchi, Toyoko, Gilleaudeau, Patricia, Sullivan-Whalen, Mary, Cardinale, Irma, Khatcherian, Artemis, Novitskaya, Inna, Wittkowski, Knut M, Krueger, James G, Lowes, Michelle A
Formato: Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2007
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