
Role of the semi-quinone free radical of the anti-tumour agent etoposide (VP-16-213) in the inactivation of single- and double-stranded phi X174 DNA.

The mechanism of action of the anti-tumour agent etoposide (VP-16-213) could involve its bioactivation to metabolites which can damage DNA. Active metabolites of etoposide, generated in vitro, are the 3',4'-dihydroxy-derivative (catechol) and its oxidation product, the ortho-quinone. The c...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mans, D. R., Retèl, J., van Maanen, J. M., Lafleur, M. V., van Schaik, M. A., Pinedo, H. M., Lankelma, J.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 1990
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