
Phase II trials of fosquidone, (GR63178A), in colorectal, renal and non-small cell lung cancer. CRC Phase II Clinical Trials Committee.

A total of 61 eligible patients with metastatic cancer have been treated in a series of Phase II trials of the novel pentacyclic pyrroloquinone, fosquidone. Tumour types were colorectal (23), renal (21), and non small cell lung (17). No patient had received prior chemotherapy. The drug was given int...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kaye, S. B., Brampton, M., Harper, P., Smyth, J., Kerr, D. J., Gore, M., Green, J. A., Gilby, E., Crawford, S. M., Rustin, G. J.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 1992
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