
Differences in oestrogen receptors in malignant and normal breast tissue as identified by the binding of a new synthetic progestogen.

Oestrogen receptor protein (ER) was detected in 9 of 11 samples of malignant breast tissue and 8 of 9 samples of normal breast tissue. Levels of cytosolic ER (ERc) in malignant breast were 21-1102 fmol mg-1 soluble protein (Kd 1.8 X 10(-9)-3.1 X 10(-8) mol l-1) and those of nucleosolic ER (ERn), 13-...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Iqbal, M. J., Colletta, A. A., Houmayoun-Valyani, S. D., Baum, M.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 1986
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