
Biochemical modifications of avidin improve pharmacokinetics and biodistribution, and reduce immunogenicity.

Pretargeting techniques using the avidin-biotin system have shown encouraging results in both diagnostic and therapeutic clinical trials. It has been shown that in cancer therapy the ideal agent to be used for pretargeting should have a plasma half-life longer than avidin and lower immunogenicity th...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Chinol, M., Casalini, P., Maggiolo, M., Canevari, S., Omodeo, E. S., Caliceti, P., Veronese, F. M., Cremonesi, M., Chiolerio, F., Nardone, E., Siccardi, A. G., Paganelli, G.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group|1 1998
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