
Heterozygosity for mutations in the ataxia telangiectasia gene is not a major cause of radiotherapy complications in breast cancer patients.

Of patients being treated by radiotherapy for cancer, a small proportion develop marked long-term radiation damage. It is believed that this is due, at least in part, to intrinsic individual differences in radiosensitivity, but the underlying mechanism is unknown. Individuals affected by the recessi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Shayeghi, M., Seal, S., Regan, J., Collins, N., Barfoot, R., Rahman, N., Ashton, A., Moohan, M., Wooster, R., Owen, R., Bliss, J. M., Stratton, M. R., Yarnold, J.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group|1 1998
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