
Randomised trial of glutamine and selenium supplemented parenteral nutrition for critically ill patients. Protocol Version 9, 19 February 2007 known as SIGNET (Scottish Intensive care Glutamine or seleNium Evaluative Trial)

BACKGROUND: Mortality rates in the Intensive Care Unit and subsequent hospital mortality rates in the UK remain high. Infections in Intensive Care are associated with a 2–3 times increased risk of death. It is thought that under conditions of severe metabolic stress glutamine becomes "condition...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Andrews, Peter JD, Avenell, Alison, Noble, David W, Campbell, Marion K, Battison, Claire G, Croal, Bernard L, Simpson, William G, Norrie, John, Vale, Luke D, Cook, Jonathon, de Verteuil, Robyn, Milne, Anne C
Formato: Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2007
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