
MICROTUBULE BIOGENESIS AND CELL SHAPE IN OCHROMONAS : III. Effects of the Herbicidal Mitotic Inhibitor Isopropyl N-Phenylcarbamate on Shape and Flagellum Regeneration

The role of microtubules and microtubule nucleating sites in the unicell, Ochromonas has been examined through the use of two mitotic inhibitors, isopropyl N-phenylcarbamate (IPC) and isopropyl N-3-chlorophenyl carbamate (CIPC). Although IPC and CIPC have little or no effect on intact microtubules,...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Brown, David L., Bouck, G. Benjamin
Formato: Texto
Publicado: The Rockefeller University Press 1974
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