
Analysis of oxysterol binding protein homologue Kes1p function in regulation of Sec14p-dependent protein transport from the yeast Golgi complex

Oxysterol binding proteins (OSBPs) comprise a large conserved family of proteins in eukaryotes. Their ubiquity notwithstanding, the functional activities of these proteins remain unknown. Kes1p, one of seven members of the yeast OSBP family, negatively regulates Golgi complex secretory functions tha...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Li, Xinmin, Rivas, Marcos P., Fang, Min, Marchena, Jennifer, Mehrotra, Bharat, Chaudhary, Anu, Feng, Li, Prestwich, Glenn D., Bankaitis, Vytas A.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: The Rockefeller University Press 2002
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