
Binding of C4b-Binding Protein to Porin: A Molecular Mechanism of Serum Resistance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae

We screened 29 strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and found 16/21 strains that resisted killing by normal human serum and 0/8 serum sensitive strains that bound the complement regulator, C4b-binding protein (C4bp). Microbial surface–bound C4bp demonstrated cofactor activity. We constructed gonococcal...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ram, Sanjay, Cullinane, Meabh, Blom, Anna M., Gulati, Sunita, McQuillen, Daniel P., Monks, Brian G., O'Connell, Catherine, Boden, Ryan, Elkins, Christopher, Pangburn, Michael K., Dahlbäck, Björn, Rice, Peter A.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: The Rockefeller University Press 2001
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