
Use pattern of maternal health services and determinants of skilled care during delivery in Southern Tanzania: implications for achievement of MDG-5 targets

BACKGROUND: Almost two decades since the initiation of the Safe motherhood Initiative, Maternal Mortality is still soaring high in most developing countries. In 2000 WHO estimated a life time risk of a maternal death of 1 in 16 in Sub- Saharan Africa while it was only 1 in 2800 in developed countrie...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mpembeni, Rose NM, Killewo, Japhet Z, Leshabari, Melkzedeck T, Massawe, Siriel N, Jahn, Albrecht, Mushi, Declare, Mwakipa, Hassan
Formato: Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2007
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