
Determinants of Voltage-Dependent Gating and Open-State Stability in the S5 Segment of Shaker Potassium Channels

The best-known Shaker allele of Drosophila with a novel gating phenotype, Sh (5), differs from the wild-type potassium channel by a point mutation in the fifth membrane-spanning segment (S5) (Gautam, M., and M.A. Tanouye. 1990. Neuron. 5:67–73; Lichtinghagen, R., M. Stocker, R. Wittka, G. Boheim, W....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kanevsky, Max, Aldrich, Richard W.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: The Rockefeller University Press 1999
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