
Whole genome comparative studies between chicken and turkey and their implications for avian genome evolution

BACKGROUND: Comparative genomics is a powerful means of establishing inter-specific relationships between gene function/location and allows insight into genomic rearrangements, conservation and evolutionary phylogeny. The availability of the complete sequence of the chicken genome has initiated the...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Griffin, Darren K, Robertson, Lindsay B, Tempest, Helen G, Vignal, Alain, Fillon, Valérie, Crooijmans, Richard PMA, Groenen, Martien AM, Deryusheva, Svetlana, Gaginskaya, Elena, Carré, Wilfrid, Waddington, David, Talbot, Richard, Völker, Martin, Masabanda, Julio S, Burt, Dave W
Formato: Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2008
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