
Weekly gemcitabine plus Epirubicin as effective chemotherapy for advanced pancreatic cancer: a multicenter phase II study

The current role of chemotherapy in pancreatic carcinoma is limited, and progress in the treatment of this disease represents a significant challenge to medical oncology. The most promising drug under study is gemcitabine, a relatively new antimetabolite that represents an attractive candidate for c...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Neri, B, Cini, G, Doni, L, Fulignati, C, Turrini, M, Pantalone, D, Mini, E, De Luca Cardillo, C, Fioretto, L M, Ribecco, A S, Moretti, R, Scatizzi, M, Zocchi, G, Quattrone, A
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 2002
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