
Inclusion of HPV testing in routine cervical cancer screening for women above 29 years in Germany: results for 8466 patients

In a prospective cohort study 8466 women attending routine cervical cancer screening were recruited. Colposcopy was performed on women with any degree of atypia on cytology and/or a positive high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV)-DNA test (HC2; Hybrid Capture 2(©)), and for a randomly selected sample...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Petry, K-U, Menton, S, Menton, M, van Loenen-Frosch, F, de Carvalho Gomes, H, Holz, B, Schopp, B, Garbrecht-Buettner, S, Davies, P, Boehmer, G, van den Akker, E, Iftner, T
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 2003
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