
Induction of beta defensin 2 by NTHi requires TLR2 mediated MyD88 and IRAK-TRAF6-p38MAPK signaling pathway in human middle ear epithelial cells

BACKGROUND: All mucosal epithelia, including those of the tubotympanium, are secreting a variety of antimicrobial innate immune molecules (AIIMs). In our previous study, we showed the bactericidal/bacteriostatic functions of AIIMs against various otitis media pathogens. Among the AIIMs, human β-defe...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lee, Haa-Yung, Takeshita, Tamotsu, Shimada, Jun, Akopyan, Arsen, Woo, Jeong-Im, Pan, Huiqi, Moon, Sung K, Andalibi, Ali, Park, Rae-Kil, Kang, Sung-Ho, Kang, Shin-Seok, Gellibolian, Robert, Lim, David J
Formato: Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2008
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