
MicroRNA-143 targets DNA methyltransferases 3A in colorectal cancer

BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are 19-25-nucleotides regulatory non-protein-coding RNA molecules that regulate the expressions of a wide variety of genes, including some involved in cancer development. In this study, we investigated the possible role of miR-143 in colorectal cancer (CRC). METHODS: E...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ng, E K O, Tsang, W P, Ng, S S M, Jin, H C, Yu, J, Li, J J, Röcken, C, Ebert, M P A, Kwok, T T, Sung, J J Y
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 2009
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