
Decreased TNF-α synthesis by macrophages restricts cutaneous immunosurveillance by memory CD4(+) T cells during aging

Immunity declines during aging, however the mechanisms involved in this decline are not known. In this study, we show that cutaneous delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses to recall antigens are significantly decreased in older individuals. However, this is not related to CC chemokine recepto...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Agius, Elaine, Lacy, Katie E., Vukmanovic-Stejic, Milica, Jagger, Ann L., Papageorgiou, Anna-Pia, Hall, Sue, Reed, John R., Curnow, S. John, Fuentes-Duculan, Judilyn, Buckley, Christopher D., Salmon, Mike, Taams, Leonie S., Krueger, James, Greenwood, John, Klein, Nigel, Rustin, Malcolm H.A., Akbar, Arne N.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: The Rockefeller University Press 2009
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