
Prevalence and correlates of alcohol and other substance use disorders in young adulthood: A population-based study

BACKGROUND: Several risk factors for alcohol and other substance use disorders (SUDs) have been identified, but it is not well understood whether their associations with SUD are independent of each other. In particular, it is not well known, whether the associations between behavioral and affective...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Latvala, Antti, Tuulio-Henriksson, Annamari, Perälä, Jonna, Saarni, Samuli I, Aalto-Setälä, Terhi, Aro, Hillevi, Korhonen, Tellervo, Koskinen, Seppo, Lönnqvist, Jouko, Kaprio, Jaakko, Suvisaari, Jaana
Formato: Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2009
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