
Early recognition of heart failure in patients with diabetes type 2 in primary care. A prospective diagnostic efficiency study. (UHFO-DM2)

BACKGROUND: We hypothesize that the prevalence of unknown heart failure in diabetic patients aged 60 years and over is relatively high (15% or more) and that a cost-effective strategy can be developed to detect heart failure in these patients. The strategy is expected to include some signs and sympt...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Boonman-de Winter, Leandra JM, Rutten, Frans H, Cramer, Maarten J, Liem, Anho H, Landman, Marcel J, van Stel, Henk F, de Wit, G Ardine, Rutten, Guy EHM, van Hessen, Paulien AW, Hoes, Arno W
Formato: Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2009
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