
Performance Metrics for Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Systems in Proteomics Analyses

A major unmet need in LC-MS/MS-based proteomics analyses is a set of tools for quantitative assessment of system performance and evaluation of technical variability. Here we describe 46 system performance metrics for monitoring chromatographic performance, electrospray source stability, MS1 and MS2...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Rudnick, Paul A., Clauser, Karl R., Kilpatrick, Lisa E., Tchekhovskoi, Dmitrii V., Neta, Pedatsur, Blonder, Nikša, Billheimer, Dean D., Blackman, Ronald K., Bunk, David M., Cardasis, Helene L., Ham, Amy-Joan L., Jaffe, Jacob D., Kinsinger, Christopher R., Mesri, Mehdi, Neubert, Thomas A., Schilling, Birgit, Tabb, David L., Tegeler, Tony J., Vega-Montoto, Lorenzo, Variyath, Asokan Mulayath, Wang, Mu, Wang, Pei, Whiteaker, Jeffrey R., Zimmerman, Lisa J., Carr, Steven A., Fisher, Susan J., Gibson, Bradford W., Paulovich, Amanda G., Regnier, Fred E., Rodriguez, Henry, Spiegelman, Cliff, Tempst, Paul, Liebler, Daniel C., Stein, Stephen E.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2010
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