
Regulators of cyclin-dependent kinases are crucial for maintaining genome integrity in S phase

Maintenance of genome integrity is of critical importance to cells. To identify key regulators of genomic integrity, we screened a human cell line with a kinome small interfering RNA library. WEE1, a major regulator of mitotic entry, and CHK1 were among the genes identified. Both kinases are importa...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Beck, Halfdan, Nähse, Viola, Larsen, Marie Sofie Yoo, Groth, Petra, Clancy, Trevor, Lees, Michael, Jørgensen, Mette, Helleday, Thomas, Syljuåsen, Randi G., Sørensen, Claus Storgaard
Formato: Texto
Publicado: The Rockefeller University Press 2010
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