
Network Modeling Identifies Molecular Functions Targeted by miR-204 to Suppress Head and Neck Tumor Metastasis

Due to the large number of putative microRNA gene targets predicted by sequence-alignment databases and the relative low accuracy of such predictions which are conducted independently of biological context by design, systematic experimental identification and validation of every functional microRNA...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lee, Younghee, Yang, Xinan, Huang, Yong, Fan, Hanli, Zhang, Qingbei, Wu, Youngfei, Li, Jianrong, Hasina, Rifat, Cheng, Chao, Lingen, Mark W., Gerstein, Mark B., Weichselbaum, Ralph R., Xing, H. Rosie, Lussier, Yves A.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2010
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