
LC/MS Analysis of Tetrodotoxin and Its Deoxy Analogs in the Marine Puffer Fish Fugu niphobles from the Southern Coast of Korea, and in the Brackishwater Puffer Fishes Tetraodon nigroviridis and Tetraodon biocellatus from Southeast Asia

Tetrodotoxin (TTX) and its deoxy analogs, 5-deoxyTTX, 11-deoxyTTX, 6,11-dideoxyTTX, and 5,6,11-trideoxyTTX, were quantified in the tissues of three female and three male specimens of the marine puffer fish, Fugu niphobles, from the southern coast of Korea, and in the whole body of the brackishwater...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Jang, Jun-Ho, Lee, Jong-Soo, Yotsu-Yamashita, Mari
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Molecular Diversity Preservation International 2010
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