
What would PCR assessment change in the management of fevers in a malaria endemic area? A school-based study in Benin in children with and without fever

BACKGROUND: A recent school-based study in Benin showed that applying a policy of anti-malarial prescriptions restricted to parasitologically-confirmed cases on the management of fever is safe and feasible. Additional PCR data were analysed in order to touch patho-physiological issues, such as the u...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Faucher, Jean-François, Aubouy, Agnès, Béhéton, Todoégnon, Makoutode, Patrick, Abiou, Grace, Doritchamou, Justin, Houzé, Pascal, Ouendo, Edgard, Deloron, Philippe, Cot, Michel
Formato: Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2010
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