
Targeted resequencing of candidate genes using selector probes

Targeted genome enrichment is a powerful tool for making use of the massive throughput of novel DNA-sequencing instruments. We herein present a simple and scalable protocol for multiplex amplification of target regions based on the Selector technique. The updated version exhibits improved coverage a...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Johansson, H., Isaksson, M., Sörqvist, E. Falk, Roos, F., Stenberg, J., Sjöblom, T., Botling, J., Micke, P., Edlund, K., Fredriksson, S., Kultima, H. Göransson, Ericsson, Olle, Nilsson, Mats
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2011
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