cis-Vaccenyl Acetate, A Female-Produced Sex Pheromone Component of Ortholeptura valida, A Longhorned Beetle in the Subfamily Lepturinae

We report the identification, synthesis, and field bioassays of a female-produced sex attractant pheromone component of the cerambycid beetle Ortholeptura valida (LeConte). Headspace volatiles from females contained a female-specific compound, (Z)-11-octadecen-1-yl acetate, which elicited a strong r...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ray, Ann M., Žunič, Alenka, Alten, Ronald L., McElfresh, J. Steven, Hanks, Lawrence M., Millar, Jocelyn G.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Springer-Verlag 2011
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