
Rice Brittle culm 6 encodes a dominant-negative form of CesA protein that perturbs cellulose synthesis in secondary cell walls

The brittle culm (bc) mutants of Gramineae plants having brittle skeletal structures are valuable materials for studying secondary cell walls. In contrast to other recessive bc mutants, rice Bc6 is a semi-dominant bc mutant with easily breakable plant bodies. In this study, the Bc6 gene was cloned b...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kotake, Toshihisa, Aohara, Tsutomu, Hirano, Ko, Sato, Ami, Kaneko, Yasuko, Tsumuraya, Yoichi, Takatsuji, Hiroshi, Kawasaki, Shinji
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2011
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