
Realities and Challenges of a Five Year Follow Up of Mother and Child Pairs on a PMTCT Program in Zimbabwe

BACKGROUND: Complete follow up is an essential component of observational cohorts irrespective of the type of disease. OBJECTIVES: To describe five years follow up of mother and child pairs on a PMTCT program, highlighting loss to follow up (LTFU) and mortality (attrition). STUDY DESIGN: A cohort of...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kurewa, E.N, Kandawasvika, G.Q, Mhlanga, F, Munjoma, M, Mapingure, M.P, Chandiwana, P, Chirenje, M.Z, Rusakaniko, S, Stray-Pedersen, B
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Bentham Open 2011
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