
Spectratyping analysis of the islet-reactive T cell repertoire in diabetic NOD Igμ(null )mice after polyclonal B cell reconstitution

BACKGROUND: Non Obese Diabetic mice lacking B cells (NOD.Igμ(null )mice) do not develop diabetes despite their susceptible background. Upon reconstitution of B cells using a chimera approach, animals start developing diabetes at 20 weeks of age. METHODS: We have used the spectratyping technique to f...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Vong, Allen M, Daneshjou, Nazila, Norori, Patricia Y, Sheng, Huiming, Braciak, Todd A, Sercarz, Eli E, Gabaglia, Claudia Raja
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2011
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