
The C-Terminus of Histone H2B Is Involved in Chromatin Compaction Specifically at Telomeres, Independently of Its Monoubiquitylation at Lysine 123

Telomeric heterochromatin assembly in budding yeast propagates through the association of Silent Information Regulator (SIR) proteins with nucleosomes, and the nucleosome array has been assumed to fold into a compacted structure. It is believed that the level of compaction and gene repression within...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Wang, Chen-Yi, Hua, Chia-Yin, Hsu, Hsiang-En, Hsu, Chia-Ling, Tseng, Hsin-Yi, Wright, Duncan E., Hsu, Pang-Hung, Jen, Chih-Hung, Lin, Chia-Yeh, Wu, Meng-Ying, Tsai, Min-Daw, Kao, Cheng-Fu
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2011
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