
Binding of Superantigen Toxins into the CD28 Homodimer Interface Is Essential for Induction of Cytokine Genes That Mediate Lethal Shock

Bacterial superantigens, a diverse family of toxins, induce an inflammatory cytokine storm that can lead to lethal shock. CD28 is a homodimer expressed on T cells that functions as the principal costimulatory ligand in the immune response through an interaction with its B7 coligands, yet we show her...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Arad, Gila, Levy, Revital, Nasie, Iris, Hillman, Dalia, Rotfogel, Ziv, Barash, Uri, Supper, Emmanuelle, Shpilka, Tomer, Minis, Adi, Kaempfer, Raymond
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2011
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