
Intrinsic regenerative potential of murine cochlear supporting cells

The lack of cochlear regenerative potential is the main cause for the permanence of hearing loss. Albeit quiescent in vivo, dissociated non-sensory cells from the neonatal cochlea proliferate and show ability to generate hair cell-like cells in vitro. Only a few non-sensory cell-derived colonies, ho...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Sinkkonen, Saku T., Chai, Renjie, Jan, Taha A., Hartman, Byron H., Laske, Roman D., Gahlen, Felix, Sinkkonen, Wera, Cheng, Alan G., Oshima, Kazuo, Heller, Stefan
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 2011
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