
Assembly of Xylanases into Designer Cellulosomes Promotes Efficient Hydrolysis of the Xylan Component of a Natural Recalcitrant Cellulosic Substrate

In nature, the complex composition and structure of the plant cell wall pose a barrier to enzymatic degradation. Nevertheless, some anaerobic bacteria have evolved for this purpose an intriguing, highly efficient multienzyme complex, the cellulosome, which contains numerous cellulases and hemicellul...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Moraïs, Sarah, Barak, Yoav, Hadar, Yitzhak, Wilson, David B., Shoham, Yuval, Lamed, Raphael, Bayer, Edward A.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Society of Microbiology 2011
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