
Either Kras activation or Pten loss similarly enhance the dominant-stable CTNNB1-induced genetic program to promote granulosa cell tumor development in the ovary and testis

WNT, PI3K or RAS signaling pathways control specific stages of ovarian follicular development. To analyze the functional interactions of these pathways in granulosa cells during follicular development in vivo, we generated specific mutant mouse models. Stable activation of the WNT signaling effector...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Richards, JoAnne S., Fan, Heng-Yu, Liu, Zhilin, Tsoi, Mayra, Laguë, Marie-Noëlle, Boyer, Alexandre, Boerboom, Derek
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: 2011
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