
Missense Mutation in the Second RNA Binding Domain Reveals a Role for Prkra (PACT/RAX) during Skull Development

Random chemical mutagenesis of the mouse genome can causally connect genes to specific phenotypes. Using this approach, reduced pinna (rep) or microtia, a defect in ear development, was mapped to a small region of mouse chromosome 2. Sequencing of this region established co-segregation of the phenot...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Dickerman, Benjamin K., White, Christine L., Chevalier, Claire, Nalesso, Valérie, Charles, Cyril, Fouchécourt, Sophie, Guillou, Florian, Viriot, Laurent, Sen, Ganes C., Hérault, Yann
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2011
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