
Clinical Features of Dengue in a Large Vietnamese Cohort: Intrinsically Lower Platelet Counts and Greater Risk for Bleeding in Adults than Children

BACKGROUND: As dengue spreads to new geographical regions and the force of infection changes in existing endemic areas, a greater breadth of clinical presentations is being recognised. Clinical experience suggests that adults manifest a pattern of complications different from those observed in child...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Dinh The, Trung, Le Thi Thu, Thao, Nguyen Minh, Dung, Tran Van, Ngoc, Tran Tinh, Hien, Nguyen Van Vinh, Chau, Wolbers, Marcel, Dong Thi Hoai, Tam, Farrar, Jeremy, Simmons, Cameron, Wills, Bridget
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2012
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