
Multimorbidity and comorbidity in the Dutch population – data from general practices

BACKGROUND: Multimorbidity is increasingly recognized as a major public health challenge of modern societies. However, knowledge about the size of the population suffering from multimorbidity and the type of multimorbidity is scarce. The objective of this study was to present an overview of the prev...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: van Oostrom, Sandra H, Picavet, H Susan J, van Gelder, Boukje M, Lemmens, Lidwien C, Hoeymans, Nancy, van Dijk, Christel E, Verheij, Robert A, Schellevis, François G, Baan, Caroline A
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2012
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