
GSH or Palmitate Preserves Mitochondrial Energetic/Redox Balance, Preventing Mechanical Dysfunction in Metabolically Challenged Myocytes/Hearts From Type 2 Diabetic Mice

In type 2 diabetes, hyperglycemia and increased sympathetic drive may alter mitochondria energetic/redox properties, decreasing the organelle’s functionality. These perturbations may prompt or sustain basal low-cardiac performance and limited exercise capacity. Yet the precise steps involved in this...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Tocchetti, Carlo G., Caceres, Viviane, Stanley, Brian A., Xie, Chaoqin, Shi, Sa, Watson, Walter H., O’Rourke, Brian, Spadari-Bratfisch, Regina C., Cortassa, Sonia, Akar, Fadi G., Paolocci, Nazareno, Aon, Miguel A.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Diabetes Association 2012
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