
312 Medication Responses in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Non-CFS Subjects

BACKGROUND: There is a clinical perception that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) subjects have greater drug sensitivity and “allergy” than the rest of the population. This perception was tested by assessing the symptoms associated with medication use in a group stratified by CFS status and gender. MET...

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Autores principales: Esteitie, Rania, Adewuyi, Oluwatoyin, Ravindran, Murugan, Zheng, Yin, Merck, Samantha, Timbol, Christian, Di Poto, Cristina, Rayhan, Rakib, Baraniuk, James
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: World Allergy Organization Journal 2012
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