
485 Therapeutic Effect and Safety of Tropical Mite Allergen Vaccines by Subcutaneous Route in Allergic Asthmatics Patients

BACKGROUND: Allergen-specific subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) is presently recognized as a biological response modifier, as it is the only available treatment able to influence the natural course of allergic disease. Extensive clinical evidence supports its efficacy. Safety concerns are related to...

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Autores principales: Castro Almarales, Raúl Lázaro, Ronquillo, Mercedes, Castello, Mirta Alvarez, Rodríguez, José, González, Mayda, Labrada, Alexis, Navarro Viltres, Bárbara I, Díaz, Yunia Oliva, Mateo, Maytee
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: World Allergy Organization Journal 2012
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