
97 Grass Pollen Allergen-induced Surface Expression of CD203C, CD63 and CD107A on CRTH2+ Basophils: Novel Biomarkers for Monitoring Efficacy of Allergen-specific Immunotherapy

BACKGROUND: Grass pollen immunotherapy is associated with reduction in symptoms, the need for rescue medication and improvement of quality of life in patients with severe seasonal pollinosis. Although, the suppression of the early allergic response following in vivo cutaneous allergen challenge is a...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Shamji, Mohamed, Layhadi, Janice A., Cheung, Delica K. M., Khan, Shireen Q., Phippard, Deborah, Durham, Stephen
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: World Allergy Organization Journal 2012
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