
Active Aging Promotion: Results from the Vital Aging Program

Active aging is one of the terms in the semantic network of aging well, together with others such as successful, productive, competent aging. All allude to the new paradigm in gerontology, whereby aging is considered from a positive perspective. Most authors in the field agree active aging is a mult...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Caprara, Mariagiovanna, Molina, María Ángeles, Schettini, Rocío, Santacreu, Marta, Orosa, Teresa, Mendoza-Núñez, Víctor Manuel, Rojas, Macarena, Fernández-Ballesteros, Rocío
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2013
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