
Suicide prevention for youth - a mental health awareness program: lessons learned from the Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE) intervention study

BACKGROUND: The Awareness program was designed as a part of the EU-funded Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE) intervention study to promote mental health of adolescents in 11 European countries by helping them to develop problem-solving skills and encouraging them to self-recognize t...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Wasserman, Camilla, Hoven, Christina W, Wasserman, Danuta, Carli, Vladimir, Sarchiapone, Marco, Al-Halabí, Susana, Apter, Alan, Balazs, Judit, Bobes, Julio, Cosman, Doina, Farkas, Luca, Feldman, Dana, Fischer, Gloria, Graber, Nadja, Haring, Christian, Herta, Dana Cristina, Iosue, Miriam, Kahn, Jean-Pierre, Keeley, Helen, Klug, Katja, McCarthy, Jacklyn, Tubiana-Potiez, Alexandra, Varnik, Airi, Varnik, Peeter, Žiberna, Janina, Poštuvan, Vita
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2012
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