
Personality factors in chronic headache: evaluation with SCL-90R

The psychopathological approach is fundamental in the study of chronic headache because it integrates the diagnosis of a pathology in which the symptom (headache) is the disease itself hiding in itself the deep message to decode. The Symptom Check List 90R(SCL-90R) is a scale of general evaluation o...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Firenze, Caterina, Prudenzano, Maria Pia, Genco, Sergio, Savarese, Mariantonietta, Puca, Francomichele, Nicolodi, Maria, Canova, Stefania, Moschiano, Franca, D'Amico, Domenico, Usai, Susanna, Bussone, Gennaro, Zanchin, Giorgio, Granella, Franco, Russo, Susanna, Nider, Giorgio
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer-Verlag Italia 2000
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