
Eyebrow Ptosis After Blowout Fracture Indicates Impairment of Trigeminal Proprioceptive Evocation That Induces Reflex Contraction of the Frontalis Muscle

Objective: The mixed levator and frontalis muscles lack the interior muscle spindles normally required to induce involuntary contraction of their slow-twitch fibers. To involuntarily move the eyelid and eyebrow, voluntary contraction of the levator nonskeletal fast-twitch muscle fibers stretches the...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ban, Ryokuya, Matsuo, Kiyoshi, Ban, Midori, Yuzuriha, Shunsuke
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Open Science Company, LLC 2013
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