
ML212: A small-molecule probe for investigating fluconazole resistance mechanisms in Candida albicans

The National Institutes of Health Molecular Libraries and Probe Production Centers Network (NIH-MLPCN) screened >300,000 compounds to evaluate their ability to restore fluconazole susceptibility in resistant Candida albicans isolates. Additional counter screens were incorporated to remove substan...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Youngsaye, Willmen, Hartland, Cathy L, Morgan, Barbara J, Ting, Amal, Nag, Partha P, Vincent, Benjamin, Mosher, Carrie A, Bittker, Joshua A, Dandapani, Sivaraman, Palmer, Michelle, Whitesell, Luke, Lindquist, Susan, Schreiber, Stuart L, Munoz, Benito
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Beilstein-Institut 2013
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