
Ring Autosomes: Some Unexpected Findings

Ring chromosomes are rare entities, usually associated with phenotypic abnormalities in correlation with the loss of genetic material. There are various breakpoints and sometimes there is a dynamic mosaicism that is reflected in clinical features. Most of the ring chromosomes are de novo occurrences...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Caba, L, Rusu, C, Plăiaşu, Gug, G, Grămescu, M, Bujoran, C, Ochiană, D, Voloşciuc, M, Popescu, R, Braha, E, Pânzaru, M, Butnariu, L, Sireteanu, A, Covic, M, Gorduza, EV
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Macedonian Science of Sciences and Arts 2012
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